1. Chain Of Custody Management Requirements: Responsibilities, Procedures And Records To Become A USRW Certified Organization.

1.5 Operations

1.5.1 Management shall aim to maintain or increase healthy forests, including healthy urban forests, and maintain or enhance the economic, ecological, cultural and social values of urban forest resources.

  • Practices should aim to improve urban forests through thoughtful re planing taking into consideration and the location, climate, economic, ecological, cultural and social values of each particular urban forest when determining op&mal species to be planted. When practical,  replaning should also include the future urban lumber value in these decisions.

1.5.2 The quantity and quality of the forest resources and the capacity of all forests to store and sequester carbon shall be safeguarded by encouraging the utilization of urban, salvaged and reclaimed woods.

1.5.3 Climate positive practices in management operations, such as greenhouse gas emissio

reductions and efficient use of resources shall be encouraged.

1.5.4 Sound economic performance shall be pursued, taking into account possibilities for new markets and economic activities in connection with all relevant goods and services of urban forestry when individual trees come to the end of their natural life.

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